About Us


Malaysian Humanitarian Movement


Malaysian Humanitarian Movement (MyHumanitarian) is a humanitarian non-profit agency that provides emergency relief, rehabilitation, development assistance, and program services to vulnerable communities worldwide. MyHumanitarian is solely dedicated to reducing human suffering and is non-political and non-sectarian in its mission.

MyHumanitarian‘s mission is to:

• Serve the needs of the most vulnerable – particularly women and children, victims of natural disasters & civil conflicts, and the poor with a specific focus on neglected groups and cases.

• Provide holistic, multi-sectoral, sustainable, and pro-poor programs that bridge emergency relief and long-term development at the grassroots level.

• Empower communities by building capacity and by maximizing local resources in both program design and implementation.

• Promote self-reliance, peaceful coexistence, and reintegration of marginalized communities.

• Protect lives from physical injury or death and/or psychological trauma where present.

• Uphold the highest professional norms in program delivery, including accountability to beneficiaries and donors alike.


MyHumanitarian dedicates itself to seek and addressing the long-term developmental needs of its beneficiaries even while in the emergency phase. The agency recognizes that disasters have the most negative impact on the lives of the poor; yet disasters, and especially the movement of the populations, can also bring about unexpected, positive social change. This context can therefore serve as a window of opportunity for eradicating poverty and social injustice.

MyHumanitarian focuses on serving people who typically have not received due attention, and in several large-scale crises MyHumanitarian has been the Malaysia based agency to provide high-impact development emergency programming to communities in need.

MyHumanitarian believes that as a humanitarian agency one of its main functions is to communicate the pronounced needs of the vulnerable and affected populations to the international community.

MyHumanitarian thus consults closely with the local communities it serves in order to ensure that its programs do not impose solutions from the outside but rather address their needs and requirements for the long term. This grassroots approach proves effective in fostering an environment of self-help and sustainability.


• to channel emergency relief and development through appropriate, innovative, community based, and sustainable approaches.
• to promote economic self reliance, peaceful coexistence by maximizing job creation, use of local human and natural resources, and enhancing civic responsibility and action.
• to engagepPartner with beneficiaries and donors alike to uphold the highest professional norms in serving those in need with dignity and respect.

MyHumanitarian are focussing on:

Emergency, Health and Sanitation
MyHumanitarian meets the immediate needs of victims of natural disasters and civil conflicts worldwide with the provision of food rations, clean water, non-food items, transitional shelter and emergency medical services. Beyond emergency situations, MyHumanitarian’s field teams provide long term health and nutrition services to communities in need by operating clinics and training health workers. MyHumanitarian also provides water and sanitation programming, providing communities with access to clean water, decreasing the incidence of communicable diseases, and improving quality of life.

Food and Agriculture
MyHumanitarian’s food and agriculture programming embraces environmental awareness by incorporating climate change, natural resource management, and conservation principles into projects that improve global food security. By increasing communities’ knowledge of sound agricultural methods suitable to the regional landscape, cultural needs, and environment concerns. MyHumanitarian empowers farmers how to diversify viable crops, make the best use of the local growing season, and preserve local natural resources. The result is communities that can produce nutritious food for themselves in a sustainable way.

Education and Empowerment
MyHumanitarian places a significant focus on this sector to ensure that children affected by conflict can continue to pursue their education. Programs include a wide range of activities: teacher training programs, building libraries and Internet centers, providing books and classroom furniture to under-resourced schools, and promoting equal access to education. These programs also empower youth through service learning and leadership training to become active in their communities and act as agents for change.

Livelihoods and Enterprise
MyHumanitarian facilitates the vulnerable society to find new and better work by providing vocational training, offering microfinance opportunities, and developing promising value chains. As a result of these efforts, farmers in Philippines can get their crops to market before they spoil and women in Afghanistan can earn an income to support their families. These programs are aimed at long-term, reliable growth, and MyHumanitarian often engages private sector partners to leverage additional resources and guarantee sustainability.

Shelter and Infrastructure
MyHumanitarian provides temporary and permanent shelter when natural disasters destroy housing or conflict forces families to flee the homes. MyHumanitarian also contributes to local infrastructure by building schools, irrigation canals, and community centers in impoverished communities. MyHumanitarian supports training for local residents so that they can participate in the construction process, creating livelihood opportunities for community members. Complementary programs help make homes safer and more comfortable by promoting products like high-efficiency cook stoves, which decrease indoor air pollution and reduce the need to gather fuel.

Protection and Human Rights
MyHumanitarian is on the forefront of implementing programs to protect and support these individuals and encourage peace through nonviolent conflict resolution. The result is programming that provides legal-assistance, fights trafficking in persons, promotes media and journalism, and encourages democratic governance. The rights of women and girls is a critical issue in this sector, and is incorporated in many of MyHumanitarian’s programs. MyHumanitarian ‘s approach to civil society development emphasizes cross-cultural understanding and empowerment of vulnerable and under-represented members of society.